Agricultural trade press

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Reduce nitrogen fertilization by 25% without reducing yields

TERRE-NET – Sophie Guyomard

Improving nitrogen efficiency and the technical and economic profitability of farms, the two years of trials carried out showed good results, with yield gains ranging from +5 to 10 q/ha.

reussir grande culture

A 20-25% reduction in nitrogen fertilization with no yield loss

Le 06/12/2024

With two scientific publications in peer-reviewed journals, Swiss research has demonstrated improved nitrogen assimilation with the application of the product.

france agricole

Two farmers driven by a passion for challenges

FRANCE AGRICOLE – Hélène Parisot

Two farmers market a biostimulant. Scientific validation, European certification, patent registration… They’ve been through a lot.

agro distribution

Power the Nature enters the biostimulants market

Agro distribution – Mathilde Soulé
Le 09/12/2024 à 14h00

Moselle-based start-up Power the Nature, founded by two farmers, Jean-Martin and Pierre Niesner, has entered the biostimulant market with FertiRoc, a 100% natural mineral product.

l’est agricole

Two farmers obtain EC approval for their mineral biostimulant

L’Est Agricole Cultivar Elevage – Cécile Hans

Start-up Power the Nature has been offering a mineral powder since 2022. The product has just been approved under European regulations and certified by Eurofins as “improving nitrogen utilization efficiency in nitrogen stress situations”.

l’est agricole

A rock powder to save fertilizer

L’Est Agricole Cultivar Elevage – Cécile Hans

In the Niesner family, the search for agronomic improvement is passed on from father to son. Since last July, Jean and Pierre Niesner have been marketing Fertiroc, a biostimulant used to reduce nitrogen fertilization, through Power the Nature.

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france 3

Innovation: a natural product to use less chemical fertilizer

France 3 – Malika Boudiba
09/22/2024 at 06:10 am

The secret of two passionate farmers, Pierre and Jean-Martin Niesner, farmers in Moselle, have developed an innovative bio-stimulant based on volcanic rock.
This product could reduce the use of chemical fertilizers by 25%.

moselle tv

Fertiroc: an innovative biostimulant from Moselle

Moselle tv – Elisa Wittische 

An innovative rock powder has been developed for 6 years on the family farm of Pierre and Jean-Martin Niesner, in Villing.

Fertiroc is a 100% natural, organic biostimulant that optimizes soil-plant interactions.

france bleu

Fertiroc, a Moselle biostimulant to reduce the use of chemical fertilizers

France Bleu – Julie Seniura
10/11/2024 at 07:12 am

We’re looking for partners who share our commitment to sustainable agriculture. We would be delighted to share our innovation with all farmers”. Jean-Martin and Pierre Niesner, have designed a biostimulant that uses less fertilizer, and are now looking to market it.

lorrain republican

A biostimulant based on volcanic rock

Républicain Lorrain – Jonathan Breuer
Sept. 24
2024 à 17:30

Jean and Pierre Niesner, founders of Power the Nature, have developed a volcanic rock-based biostimulant that reduces the need for fertilizers. The product has been awarded European certification and published twice in scientific agronomic journals.